Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel: Leveraging Behavioral Science To Build Better Habits

forbes publishing Jun 23, 2021

"We first make our habits, then our habits make us." John Dryden

Did you know that habits form somewhere between 40% and 95% of our daily activities? This includes our thinking, our choices, and our actions. These habits eventually are transformed into tangible results.

So whenever you are not happy with the results you get - in life, relationships, and business - inspect your own habits. The field of behavioral science has given us a lot of insight into human nature and behavior. We are so blessed to be equipped with such valuable insight which makes it easier to replace the habits that don't serve us with the habits for success.

It is such an honor to be included in the Expert Panel discussion by Forbes Coaches Council sharing how to leverage behavioral science to replace unwanted harmful habits with habits that will help you elevate your life.

Enjoy this quick but powerful read: Leveraging Behavioral Science To Build Better Habits: 10 Expert Tips



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Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel: 13 Common Mistakes Managers Make That Alienate Employees

forbes publishing May 24, 2021

As John C. Maxwell said “When people respect you as a person, they admire you. When they respect you as a friend, they love you. When they respect you as a leader, they follow you.”

Respect and trust form the foundation of great leadership – without it, organizations and teams struggle and collapse eventually. But it is the leader's responsibility to cultivate and develop that respect and trust through their words and actions - leaders cannot demand it, they can only earn it!

As in everything in life, we are not perfect and there are times we make mistakes - more unintentionally than not. It is such an honor to be included in the Expert Panel discussion by Forbes Coaches Council talking about the 13 Common Mistakes Managers Make those Alienate Employees which will lead to a lack of respect and trust.

Click the link to see the article: 13 Common Mistakes Managers Make That Alienate Employees



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Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel: 15 Strategies To Lower Stress While Boosting Productivity

forbes publishing May 20, 2021

All successful leaders aim for high levels of productivity all the time, but that also has a tendency to increase the level of stress. Even though one cannot exist without the other, we certainly have ways to reduce the stress to be able to elevate our performance and productivity.

It is such an honor to be included in the Expert Panel discussion by Forbes Coaches Council sharing how we help our clients reduce stress while increasing productivity. Enjoy this quick but powerful read!

Please click the following link to read the article : 15 Strategies To Lower Stress While Boosting Productivity 

#Productivitytips #training #training

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First John C. Maxwellā€™s Book Translated into Armenian

Uncategorized May 17, 2021

Ever since 2015 when I became a John C. Maxwell Certified Trainer, Speaker, & Coach I have used numerous of his materials for first my personal and professional growth, coaching and training of many CEOs and leaders, team building and development - just to mention the few, both with adults and youth. My desire has always been that Maxwell’s transformational material would be available in the Armenian language to expand and help develop great leaders in my homeland and amongst Armenians around the world. Finally, I am so excited to see that one of the first John C. Maxwell’s books I read and trained with dozens of times with hundreds of people is finally translated into Armenian! I don’t believe in coincidences – God is opening the doors and positioning the resources for me to empower, elevate and enrich the lives of leaders around the world at an even deeper level. Hold your vision, keep working towards your dream, and in divine timing, the floodgates...

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Happy Mother's Day!

social media posts May 09, 2021

Happy Mother's Day! The joys of motherhood are certainly not without the sleepless nights, worries, and all the hard work. Thank you to my amazing mom and to all the mothers who lovingly care for their children. Thank you to my beautiful daughters who are the reason I enjoy being a mother so much!


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Recognize the Power of Your Success

social media posts May 07, 2021

Humility is the Cornerstone of a Servant Leadership! The most successful, respected, and trusted leaders are the ones who recognize that the power of their success is in the people and relationships they cultivate. As Rick Warren asserted, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less."

Servant leaders:
• put their people's interests first,
• motivate them by connecting and understanding them,
• empower and enlarge them by speaking faith into their lives,
• raise the bar for them to reach their God-given potential.

Whose life can you transform today by putting their interests first and serving them without expecting anything in return?


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LeaderShip is Who You Are Not What You Do!

social media posts May 05, 2021

Leadership is WHO YOU ARE not what you do! As Napoleon Bonaparte asserted: "A leader is a dealer in hope." But you can not spread and plant hope for others if you don't love, care for and put your people's interests first. Leaders value people and intentionally add value to people - it is who they are, both in personal and professional lives! I challenge you to ask yourself - do I value my people and how do I show them how much?


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Choose Your Words Wisely

social media posts Apr 29, 2021

Plant seeds of greatness in others by speaking words of life to them and about them!

Words are the outward expression of our minds and our hearts and they carry more weight than we can ever imagine – especially when they come from people we love, admire, respect, and look up to! So as a leader (in business, at home, or everywhere you interact) remember to choose your words wisely. Remember to recognizevalidate, appreciate, and elevate with your words to raise the bar for everyone you interact with! Remember to express respect and love before you ask for your people to do anything for you! As John C. Maxwell said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

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Be the Light of Hope

social media posts Apr 12, 2021

Life is a journey and an endless process of becoming Christ-like. Every day brings a new breath of hope for a better and fuller life, regardless of past mistakes!


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Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel

forbes publishing Apr 08, 2021

Such an honor to be one of the contributors to the Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel. Feeling stuck is a feeling that everyone experiences at least one time in their career. Professionals invest so much time and money developing their skills and expertise, but very little time to stop and reflect on the rewards and satisfaction they get from their profession. This introspection is a critical element in both preventing and overcoming the dissatisfaction that comes from feeling stuck. The power is in asking yourself profound questions and being brutally honest with yourself. Check out these 12 most helpful questions to ask yourself:

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