ThinkingSHIFT!!! Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life! Did you know everything is created twice? First in our minds through our thoughts, and then only in the outer expression of tangible reality! Join our study to create an abundant life you dream of!
May the Blessings of the Lord be with you on Palm Sunday and forever! Be reminded of the reason for the Easter Season and don't let the world and busyness distract you from reflecting and celebrating Jesus and His Resurrection!
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life!
Do you know the thinking blocks that keep you stuck? You can learn and change!
Replace perfection with progress and the results will change dramatically! How often do you think to yourself - I need more information, I need more time, I am not ready yet, and on and on and on? This mindset leads to constantly waiting to be perfect before you take action which will lead you to your desired results. Perfection causes you to be constantly in getting ready to get ready mode. I challenge you to aim for progress instead of perfection if you want to see better results! Progress is achieved one step at a time and before you know it you will go from walking to running. When you aim for and focus on progress, you will need binoculars to look back at how far you have come in just a few months!
What you believe, think and speak about yourself determines the level of your success! Lasting success is attainable and sustainable when your level of confidence matches your God-given potential. The best investment you can make is the one you make in yourself by growing inside-out. That will require your time, resources, intentionality and commitment to yourself. But most importantly it will require actions you consistently take to create the change you wish to see in your life. Surround yourself with mentors and coaches who can help you create that change!
"Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound." James Allen
There is no such thing as a "self-made success". If you explore and study the stories of successful people over the decades, you will see that none of them were successful only in their own strengths and by themselves. Everyone has blind spots and everyone needs to have a trusted individual who will speak life into them. Coaches are those people who see your greater potential, believe in you and unlock your potential! Invest in Yourself by working with a coach who can unlock your God Given Potential and propel you to success!
Growth Mindset is what allows the extraordinary to rise above the ordinary. The way we think and what we believe is a product of our genetics, environment, and experiences but it is not permanently etched in us for the rest of our lives - as long as we have a growth mindset.
Growth Mindset is the magical ingredient of success.
Growth Mindset is what allows you to see opportunity in every problem.
Growth Mindset is what will allow you to see the blessings even in the difficult pandemic ravaged year 2020!
As we are fast approaching the end of 2020 I challenge you to instead starting the COUNT-DOWN for this year, do the COUNT-UP of all the blessings you had this year and doors of possibilities that have opened up for you! Look and you will find them!
The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) and procrastination is the weapon he uses. What is the one thing you know you need to do and been putting off because of fear, laziness, or indecisiveness? Who is that one person you can value and add value to today? When I think about myself or the clients I coach, every single one of us has the moments that we have missed in our lives - and that time will never come back. Make the decision to not allow the enemy to steal your time anymore and LEAVE YOUR FINGERPRINTS ON THE HEARTS OF THOSE YOU INTERACT WITH! Legacy is built by the lives you impact every day! What is the legacy you are building?
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